Moilas | Shop/café

Moilas Shop & Cafe

Welcome, culinary guests, coffee-lovers and bus groups! After breakfast and  lunch, you will have plenty of energy to shop at our store and find delicious baked delicacies to take home. A buffet lunch is served on weekdays.

Moilas myymälä-kahvila (store/café)

Paakarinpolku 1, 76850 Naarajärvi (Pieksämäki, Finland)

Opening hours
Mon-Fri at 7.30–17, Sat at 10–14 & Sun closed

Store’s orders and feedback on weekdays 9-15
tel. +358 44 761 4422


Oiva report (food safety, in Finnish)

Welcome to lunch!

mon–fri at 10.30–14.00

Lunch 13,50 € ja salad/soup lunch 10,90 €. Lunch includes salad, coffee and dessert.

mon–fri at 7.30–10.00
7,20 €

Follow us in Facebook (in Finnish)!
You can see for example our offers and lunch menu (in Finnish).